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Surprise Bonuses Included with Your Grand Giveaway Gift

You've taken a great first step toward enhancing your marketing, learning delivery or digital storytelling!
We want to help you go further and faster. 

Enjoy these included bonuses:

  • a second complimentary micro-course on "Creating A Digital Experience" from Rob Ruder which introduces our Four Step Engagement Formula and the power of using flip books to connect with your audience. You'll find it waiting on your My Course Modules page (see the link below).
  • book a complimentary 30 minute call with Dave Howard to strategize ways you can use the Four Step Formula and flip books. No pressure! There is nothing to buy on the call. Just a conversation about what you want to create. 
  • a $200 coupon that you can use on any program offering in 2022! We'll email you the code in January.

Bonus Course

To access your training modules visit My Course Modules

Watch for your $200 coupon as our Thanks for Joining Us! 

You are on the way to creating higher impact and deeper trust with your audience.